Naruto gay sex fanfiction

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Namikaze Minato is living a peaceful life as the Hokage of a Konoha village where the population has very questionable moral standards. Updated : Ap5:54 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 5 -:- Reviews : 2 -:- Dragon prints : 14026 Yamanaka and Namikaze -:- By : Lannister -:- Published : July 7, 2021 (very, very slow burning with my favourite triple pairing) Hatake Kakashi longs for certain things to be true, but they are not, and never will be. Updated : Ap6:53 am -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 14 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Dragon prints : 250 One where he is the only one to save this world.Ĭontent Tags : Anal Ds Fingering HC HJ MiCD MM MPreg Ms Oral Solo Violence WD WIPĬomplicated things -:- By : Akaatje -:- Published : April 5, 2022 So when he goes for a last walk of freedom, follows a strange man, and falls down a rabbit hole, he now has to accept an entirely new life. Deidara is expected to pop out kids and nothing else. Why? Because the men of this clan can produce offspring inside a womb. The Iwa clan is famous and their men are extremely desired.

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Updated : Ap8:18 am -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 2 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Dragon prints : 331 Curse of the Iwa Clan -:- By : EntityLvr -:- Published : March 28, 2022

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